This is a research proposal sample report that investigates the impact of remote learning on education during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on Malaysian universities. It highlights the advantages, challenges, and technological advancements in online education, offering a comprehensive analysis for students in management and education fields.
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Research Proposal Sample Work
Table of Contents
The pandemic has crumbled the archaic educational process and has integrated a newer approach toward academic learning. This has even developed a new trend for academic learning, as the remote learning process has become more relevant and utilized by students and teachers. This new culture has helped many students to develop newer learning styles and communication processes that have helped effectively boostteachingh (Amir et al., 2020). This has given students and teachers the flexibility of learning and teaching from anywhere in the world with an active internet connection (Simamora et al., 2020). The impacts of this new learning process on students are diverse as this will be the primary feature of this discussion. This will help to evaluate the percentage of progress and deterioration of learning at the time of COVID-19. The changing landscape of academic learning requires a systematic observation of the process, as there are several elements engaged in the learning process this research will be developed to uncover all the elements that are required in the process of academic learning.
Each section of this research will be developed to explore the vast scenario of remote learning in the time of COVID-19. Through effectively assessing each of the changes that have happened in the academic sector, such as changes in curriculum, communication process, tests and time management of the students will be observed. Through further uncovering the impacts of these changes on learning and academic progress to develop critical discussion on the remote learning process. Even the changes in the usage of technology will be observed through the filter of academic learning in the region of Malaysia. This process will help to develop a country-specific assessment of the academic learning process and develop an individual understanding of the academic curriculum of different age demography and their process of learning. This will help to effectively develop an effective interpretation of academic performance aligning with the remote learning process.
Literature Review and Conclusion
Covid-19 has created a severe impact on almost all parts of the world and the educational sector is not an exception. The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has created an effective impact on the educational sector that has caused various changes in the mentioned sector (Jung, Horta & Postiglione, 2021). The impact of COVID-19 has helped in the aspects of remote learning that have gained immense popularity in the educational sector because of the range of beneficial aspects that it offers to students (Aladsani et al., 2022). This section will be based on reviewing certain existing literature that will help in shedding light on the aspects of remote learning and on the impact that it has created on the ways of education. To develop the mentioned topic in a better way, certain themes will be developed that will help in the discussion process.
Theme 1: Benefits of remote learning
The term remote learning has been extremely popular in this era due to the sudden outbreak of Covid-19. Remote learning can be referred to as a process where the students seem to learn in a way that does not require them to be physically present in specific classrooms. To be precise, it can be mentioned that with the help of this process, the teachers seem to teach the topics through digital and technological platforms or mediums. The mentioned aspect helped a lot in enhancing the education sector as the period of COVID-19 caused forced shutdowns of almost all schools, colleges, and universities due to the worldwide lockdown. In this context, it can be mentioned that the benefits of remote learning are huge and vast. According to the article “DistanceEducationn for Students with Special Needs in Primary Schools in the Period of the COVID-19 Epidemic” by Ayda et al. (2020), it can be remarked that distance learning has severely helped students who require special training to get educated. This article delineates that most children who are especially challenged students need extra time to process the things that they have learned. Therefore, remote learning has been able to give them more time to process tier learning which has effectively impacted on enhancing their learning experience.
In addition to this, the article “UniversityStudent’s Online Learning System During Covid-19 Pandemic” by Fatonia et al. (2020), depicted that remote learning has positively affected a large portion of students. The students of universities have also faced various positive impacts due to the initiation of online learning or the remote learning process. Firstly, the students have been able to continue their studies without giving pause in times of crisis. In addition, the students could continue their studies with a very flexible schedule based on their convenience which has helped them in completing their course more easily and conveniently. Not only limited to this but, another article that is based on the mentioned topic “Distance Education Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic from the Students’ Point of View” depicts that as per the views of students, remote learning has been extremely beneficial for them. As per the views of the authors Mahasneh et al. (2021), it can be mentioned that the aspects of remote learning have helped the students in getting the individual attention of the teachers which has eventually helped them in enhancing their learning experience. In addition to this, as per the mentioned article, the students have depicted that the remote-working aspects have helped them to fix a flexible schedule of learning sessions and helped them develop their problem-solving skills. Most students have tried to focus on solving tier problems without the help of others which has helped in developing their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
Theme 2: Drawbacks of remote learning
Remote learning is a process where the students do not need to present in the classroom practically they continue their learning from home, The practice of remote learning mainly started at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic situation. There is a drawback of remote learning as there is a lack of social interaction and an increased sense of isolation. There is an absence of curriculum and physical activity that demotivate learning. In this context, the article “ The Drawbacks of Learning from Home: A Student Perspective” by Christian (2021), mentioned that learning from home is a common strategy in the world at the time of covid-19. In the level of carrying out education and meeting the challenges with the help of e-learning that also includes higher education. The learning process from home results arises some drawbacks that include lack of time management, absence of a clear lesson plan,n and also excessive assignments given by the lecturer. In this way, the motivation of the student gradually decreases.
In addition to this, the article “Distance Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic” by El Refae, Kaba & Eletter (2021), depicts that remote learning has negative effects on student behavior. Due to the initiation of remote learning, the challenges that have been faced by the student are lack of interaction, there are less focussed on a one-to-one exchange, difficulties in a schedule changeand there are high demands for new technology and the creation of an open-ended learning environment is also an issue that gradually decreases the focus on the learning of the student and he concentration power also reduced. While for the students remote learning results in weak ICT skills, frustration, plagiarism and ethical violation, and a lack of quality education. Due to a lack of communication in remote learning, the students were unable to solve the problem they were facing at the time of specific learning.
On the other hand, the article ” DistanceLearningg in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: advantages and Disadvantages” by Debeş (2021), stated that the feature of remote learning at the time of COVID-19 mainly in higher education stated that most students have experienced educational challenges that include technical challenges. It has also been observed that remote learning or online learning negatively affects the evaluation and assessment practice in the learning environment. The use of new technology by educators hurts the students as they show less interest in the actual learning and demand only new technology. There are major drawbacks of the online learning process at the time ofCOVID-199 that damage the learning environment. From the views of the authors, there are major drawbacks to online learning.
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Theme 3: Impact of remote learning during Covid-19 in Malaysia
During Covid-19 there was a positive impact of remote learning in Malaysian universities that has used various advanced technologies through which the universities have provided numerous facilities in the remote learning process. According to the article “ Exploring the Impact of Transformation to Fully Online Learning During COVID-19 on Malaysian University Students” by Al-Kumaim et al. (2021) stated that students have faced a lot of obstacles with the use of IT application platforms for online learning activities. The challenges were work and the overload of information received by the educators in online platforms and the students also faced technical challenges related to the lack of affordability in online learning support facilities.
In addition to this, the article “ The Impacts of COVID-19 through Online Learning Usage for Tertiary Education in Malaysia” by Salleh et al. (2020) depicts that almost 40% of Malaysian students engaged in several types of learninsessionson and activities that facilitate in remote learning. As per the view author, remote learning is a platform where educators express their thoughts to the students, and through this knowledge, the studecan to develop learning significantly. In analysis, the online learning process comes in various forms including distance learning, e-learning, and networked learning. The student in Malaysian universities has been benefited from this online learning and also save money not going to college or university.
On the other hand, the article “The impact ofCOVID-199 on the Malaysian education system” by Sufian, Nordin, Tauji & Nasir. (2020), depicts that the outbreak of Covid-19 has had bad effects on the education system, and to continue the study Malaysian universities have used remote learning work and in a group, theycano develop the study more effectively. Due to the lack of technical aspects and internet access, there are issues at the first stage, Initially, after the proper facility of advanced technology and internet access, the educators provide better education to the students and motivate them to have learning from-home facilities.
Literature gap
After going through various types of relevant information related to the topic the gap that has been observed in the above literature review is that less information. To have better knowledge related to the importance of remote learning in the education system at the time of COVID-19 it is required to collect authentic and relevant information to a great extent which will help in future studies. Meanwhile, it undertook all the resources from Google Scholar that help the research in a future study.
Based on the above discussions, it can be remarked that the aspects of remote learning have effectively impacted the educational sector and especially the educational habits of the students. The aspects of remote learning seem to have various related aspects that include its benefits, challenges, its overall impact on the educational sector of Malaysia, and many others. The chosen article by Ayda et al. (2020), depicts that students with special needs have been severely impacted by the aspects of remote learning as it has helped them to get better access to education. Not only limited to but the article by Fatonia et al. (2020) and Mahasneh et al. (2021) depicted that the students have received immense beneficial aspects with the help of remote learning as they have been effectively able to fix their schedules based on their preferences and convenience. Not only limited to this, but the mentioned article has also highlighted that with the help of remote learning, the students with special needs have been able to get extra time to process the topics in their minds which helped in enhancing their learning experience.
On the other hand, as per the articles of El Refae, Kaba & Eletter (2021) andChristiann (2021), it can be mentioned that learning from home or remote learning contains various drawbacks that also need to be highlighted to find solutions of the challenges to make it better. According to the mentioned articles, it can be mentioned that the remote-learning seems to be mostly for many students, and the process of remote learning can be extremely distractive for the students. Also, a lack of feedback and communication can create a negative impact on the students and their learning experience. In addition to this, this study has tried to develop a clearer view of the educational sector of Malaysia and the ways through which remote learning has created an impact on the mentioned educational sector. It has been observed in the articles by Al-Kumaim et al. (2021) and Salleh et al. (2020), it can be suggested that Malaysian universities have effectively adopted various advanced technologies through which they have initiated their remote-learning facilities. Additionally, it can be remarked that almost 40% of Malaysian students have been able to engage in different kinds of learning sessions and activities at the same time due to the facility of remote learning.
Based on the above discussion, it can be stated that each has a different methodological aspect that enhances the system differently and effectively. The chosen article by Ayda et al. (2020), depicts that the research has used a qualitative method with a semi-structured interview question used to collect data. Similarly, the article Fatonia et al. (2020) undertook quantitative data in a survey form. It contains 100 participants of college students having an online distance learning system. Hence, Mahasneh et al. (2021), the study mainly adopted a cross-sectional research approach with a sample of 377 university students pursuing learning in a remote mode with a semi-structured questionnaire based on remote learning benefits and drawbacks. On the other hand, El Refae, Kaba & Eletter’s (2021) research contains an online survey questionnaire and follows a quantitative research strategy to gain knowledge related to remote learning. CChristian(2021), to achieve success in the research, has followed a qualitative research design through an online questionnaire distribution technique to have a response of 100 with an analytic induction technique.
However, Debeş (2021 research article has undertaken a quantitative method through an in-depth interview from randomly selected 14 administrations. Mostly, all the data were analyzed in the form of descriptive statistics and variance analysis. In this context, the article Al-Kumaim et al. (2021) stated that it has used a mixed method that has a main focus on qualitative data collection to collect more information in a significant way. Furthermore, Salleh et al. (2020) depict that it has undertaken a better service that enhances the process and has taken a qualitative method that is the secondary source of information to collect relevant data for the research topic. Lastly, Sufian, Nordin, Tauji & Nasir. (2020) has undertaken secondary data collection to collect information on the impact of COVID-19 on the Malaysian education system and the use of online learning methods.
Theoretical framework
Online collaborative learning (OCL) is a theory that is relevant for understanding the importance of the online learning process in education at the time of COVID-19. This theory is proposed by Linda Harasim and mainly focuses on the different facilities of the internet that provide better learning environments that foster collaboration and knowledge learning process to have a better service at the time of online teaching in the education field. Furthermore, this theory also helps people to understand the education process more virtually (Magen-Nagar & Shonfeld, 2018). It also helps to reshape the internet in formal, and non-formal education in the knowledge age. With this theory, the online learning process can provide better service more effectively and efficiently. The student was able to engage in the working process to solve the problem in a better way. It is a theory to have a better online education system.
Conceptual framework

Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the impact of remote learning through the lens of COVID-19
(Source: self-created)
From the above discussion, it can be stated that the organization has undertaken nine articles related to the importance of online learning during the pandemic situation and the report has provided necessary information related to the subject matter. On the other hand, it also discussed the literature gap related to the remote learning princess and the use of technological advancements that provide better service.
Importance of this study
The pandemic disrupted the process of education and affected the students in their learning process. The effects being positive and negative have helped to assess the changes in the academic learning process. Positive effects are development in the cognitive learning process, as the students who have availed of online learning process learned at an effective rate as the literature discussion has explored the premise of this study. Each of the pieces of information has helped to develop the core changes in the academic process, as the remote-learning process presented the necessary changes in the traditional learning and teaching procedures. This study has provided the importance of new teaching procedures and technologies that have helped to develop the learning procedures. This study has evaluated different sources of information on the educational sector of Malaysia.
The key difference between the learning process and the factors that have impacted the learning process has been explored. Remote-learning procedure advantages and disadvantages being assessed through the filter of the Malaysian region has helped to develop the influence of an engaged approach to remote learning and has provided the necessary information on the limitation of learning and teaching. The procedure of remote learning and the challenges faced in the process of remote learning being discussed have helped to develop a critical evaluation of the learning process in the premise of Malaysia.
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