Impact of Consultancy Skills | Professional Communication and Consultancy Skills Assignment

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Impact of Consultancy Skills in professional environment

Impact of Consultancy Skills and Communication in the Professional Environment

Executive summary

The report deals with the impacts of consultancy skills on AMD Consultancy Group. The company also needs to improve its strategic objective to improve its overall growth. This company’s customer acquisition and retention help to provide more improved customer strategies. The Competitor analysis and SWOT analysis of this company help the company mitigate its internal and external factors that can accelerate the growth of the business. The reviews of the different services of this company can attract more clients and enhance their annual sales as well as revenues. Consultancy skills provide strategic objectives that can help the company enhance its business functions.

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1. Introduction and background


The aim of the report is to analyse the professional and business skills that offer guidance to the business of a company. These skills can be associated with marketing, finance and managing personnel. The report continues with a UK based start-up AMD Consulting Group. Consultancy skills provide strategic objectives that can help the company to enhance its business functions and draw more customers within its own domain.  Professional skills refer to the personality traits of the employees that can improve their performances within the workplace. Both consultancy skills and professional skills increase collaboration skills among the entire staff of the company. This report provides recommendations for the clients that can resolve issues of business functions.


The traditional strategic objectives of this company are not fruitful as compared to the strategic objectives of the present time. Hence, this particular company is facing a lot of issues in the growth of the business. The higher authorities of this company put more emphasis on taking the bits of help of professional consultants for scaling up their business. The key consulting skills such as observation skills, decision-making skills and problem-solving skills can enhance the profitability of the business. The total number of employees includes 134. It can increase the productivity and performance of the entire staff of this company. The revenue of this company is 25 million. The report also discusses the impacts of strategic consultants on the growth of this company.

2. Evaluation of the current situation

2.1 Service Review

Service overview is defined as the reviews of the products and services that can help the company to get increased customer satisfaction. On the other hand, it can focus on solving the issues of marketing and finance of the clients. The reviews of the different services of this company can attract more clients and enhance their annual sales as well as revenues (Beason et al. 2021). The customer acquisition and retention of this company help to provide more improved customer strategies. Moreover, it provides health, security and safety for the business partners. This company gives different strategies that can improve the professional development of the clients.

2.2 Competitors Analysis 

The main competitors of this particular company include “Smith Consultancy Group”, “Primo Solutions” and “Delphi International”. Moreover, this analysis helps the company to improve its brand image and loyalty (Chea & Lo, 2021). It can also draw more customers within its own circumference. The importance of the competitor analysis lies in discovering potential threats that can negatively impact the business functions of this company. 

The company also put more emphasis on enhancing the quality of its products. This approach can allow the company to gain competitive advantages in the marketplace. Moreover, creative ideas, as well as innovative thinking, can be improved with the bits of help of competitors’ analysis (AMD, 2022). This is why the higher representatives of this company shed more light on improving the quality of their products to beat the competition among the new startups in the UK (Dimeo et al. 2021). The other benefits of competitor’s analysis include quality services, better pieces of knowledge for customer choices and improved motivation of the staff.

2.3 SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is considered the business tool that can help the company to resolve the critical issues of business functions. This particular analysis allows the company to analyse both external and internal factors.

Strengths Innovative technology Human resourceOpportunities Expanding business Gaining competitive advantages 
Weaknesses  Lack of stakeholder management  The inefficiency of account management Threats Larger competitors Inefficient staff 

Table 1: SWOT Analysis 


Strengths of this company include human resources, physical resources and different activities and processes that can improve the business functions of this company. The human resources include staff, board members and the targeted populations (Hardie et al. 2021). On the other hand, activities and processes refer to systems through which the entire staffs of this company execute their allocated tasks.


Apart from the strengths, the weaknesses of this company include ineffective communications among the staff, lack of stakeholder management and inefficiency of account management of this company. All these key weaknesses decrease the productivity as well as the performance of the employees of this company (Ivanova et al. 2021). The senior executive of AMD Consultancy Group Primarily focuses on mitigating main issues that can improve the financial sectors of this company. 


The opportunities of this company include expanding their business all over the UK, starting new businesses and focusing on the personal and professional development of their staff (DiMeo et al. 2021). All these opportunities can help the company to obtain competitive advantages and to improve its business activities.


Larger competitors, changing laws, and inefficient staff are considered as main threats to the growth of the company. Moreover, the supply chain issues can create a lot of issues for delivering quality services to customers all over the world (Chea & Lo, 2021). The larger competitors such as Smith Consultancy Group and Primo Solutions can create threats for this company to achieve competitive advantages in the UK.

2.4 Finding and Analysis 

The internal factors of this company can mitigate management issues of the company. On the other hand, it can enhance the productivity of the entire staff related to this company (Kobicheva, 2021). The company also need to improve their strategic objective that can improve its overall growth. Therefore, strategic objectives play an important role in this consultancy service. 

The applications of all these analyses can change the outcomes of the businesses. Hence, the company also need to bring more lights for improving their strategic approaches for the allocated tasks of the employees. Strategic consultants can help the company to enhance the quality of their services and to enhance the skills as well as pieces of knowledge of the entire staff of this company (Beason et al. 2021). Hence, a strategic consultant plays a very crucial role for this company. The competitor analysis of this company can allow resolving the critical issues that can affect the development of the business.

3. Recommendations for clients 

3.1 Recommendations

Recommendation 1: Improving the quality of services to  draw more customers within their domain


The quality of their services primarily depends on the efforts of the employees and various functions of the management. This approach can help this company to get improved customer satisfaction (Kwon et al. 2021). On the other hand, annual sales, as well as revenues of this firm, can be enhanced with the bits help of this customer satisfaction. Improving the quality of their services can enable this firm to gain competitive advantages.

Recommendation 2: Taking the help of strategic consultants to improve business functions


Strategic consultants can help the company to face business challenges and improve its business functions. Hence, it plays a very crucial role in the growth of the company. The strategic advice of this consultant can improve the cost savings of this firm. The other benefits of strategic consultants include timesavings, objectivity and customization (Lycko & Galanakis, 2021). The senior executives of this company need to put more emphasis on the development of the key concepts as well as ideas of strategic consultants to improve the business functions.

3.2 Action plan for clients

Actions Plan for implementation 
Improving the quality of servicesThe company need to focus on the productivity of its staff in order to improve the quality of its services (Kobicheva, 2021). Customer satisfaction depends on the quality of services that this company gives to customers all over the world.
Getting new clientsFocusing on the services of the customers and improving the business functions of this company can help to attract more customers within their own domain.
Gaining competitive advantages The marketing strategies, as well as competitor analysis, can enable this firm to achieve competitive advantages over the other startups in the UK (Hardie et al. 2021).

Table 2: Action Plan

3.3 Key success indicators

There are some success indicators, which can enable this firm to gain competitive advantages in the UK. The success indicators of this company include customer satisfaction, getting new clients and recruitment levels.

Customer satisfaction 

Customer satisfaction plays a very crucial role in the growth of this company. It primarily depends on the quality of services that this firm provides to customers all over the world (Lycko & Galanakis, 2021). Moreover, the strategic objectives of this company enable to get more clients and it can enhance the profitability of the business.

Getting new clients

Getting new clients is another way for this company to enhance their annual sales and profits. However, changing the strategic objectives and focusing on customer satisfaction can help this company to improve its business functions. The annual profit of this company is 25 million. On the other hand, the company also focuses on scaling up its annual profit by more than 40 million this year.

Recruitment levels

Business functions of a particular company primarily depend on the performance as well as productivity of the entire staff (Hardie et al. 2021). Therefore, recruiting new staff can allow the company to improve their business function and the quality of its services.

4. Reflections as a Professional Consultant

This part of the report deals with the reflections of a professional consultant to improve the business functions of this company. The reflective part of this report is based on Kolb’s Model.

4.1 Kolbs Model

Concrete Experience

Based on my understanding, the traditional strategic objectives of this company are the main issues for enhancing the business growth and getting more clients within their domain. I have also observed that not improving the quality of their services caused customers dissatisfaction.

Reflective Observation 

Reflective Observation indicates allows a professional consultant to analyse the critical issues of the company. Based on my understanding, it can mitigate the internal and external risk factors of this company. The company need to improve their business function and strategic objectives.

Abstract conceptualization

Based on my experiences, the company need to focus on enhancing the performances of their employees to enhance their services. I have also noticed that abstract conceptualization is necessary for getting more clients for this company.

Active Experimentation

As per my understanding, active experimentation can allow the company to change their outcomes and it can generate new ideas for the growth of this company. I have also noticed that fact that it can enhance the profitability of the business.

Figure 1: Stages of Kolbs Model

(Source: Created by author)

4.2 Key lessons

Focusing on the quality of services

Based on my experiences, it needs to put more emphasis on improving the quality of its services to draw more customers. Hence, the higher representatives of this company need to shed more light on providing training as well as developmental programs to their staff (Kwon et al. 2021). I have noticed that the enhanced performance and productivity of the entire staff of this company can improve the quality of their services.

Improving market strategy 

Based on my understanding, a marketing strategy can help the company to gain competitive advantages. On the other hand, it can help the company to improve its quality of services. As per my observations, it can enhance the annual revenues of this company (Lycko & Galanakis, 2021).

5. Conclusion

Conclusively, the competitor analysis helps the company to analyse the marketing strategies and different plans for gaining competitive advantages over the other UK based start-up companies. Moreover, this analysis enables the company to improve its weaknesses and focus on its strengths. Therefore, it is an integral part of the business functions of this company. The Competitor analysis and SWOT analysis of this company help the company to mitigate their internal as well as external factors that can accelerate the growth of the business. The competitor analysis enables the company to improve the quality of its services to customers all over the world. Service overview can improve the business functions and enhance the productivity as well as the performance of this company. This company also provides different types of business consultancy services to clients all over the world. The company put more emphasis on developing strategic objectives that can mitigate the issues of the clients.


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