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Assignment Help Canada | Sample Assignment on Personality Assessment with Indigo/Trimetrix DNA

The following is a sample Personality Assessment Assignment with Indigo/Trimetrix DNA for a student studying at a Canadian University. If you are also a university student from Canada and are looking for assignment help in Canada then you can contact us. apart from that, you can use this personality assessment assignment as a sample to view our testament to the high-quality assignments that we deliver.

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This paper aims to discuss the revelations generated from the Indigo/TriMetrix DNA diagnostic, a complex assessment created to explore personal behavioral tendencies, talent set, and drivers. It is a broad evaluation of a person’s skills and qualities which in turn affect both personal and private life at work. The aim of this analysis is not only to find out the characteristics in my personality that can be assets or liabilities but also to establish the methods of personal development and productivity improvement in the workplace based on them.

Indigo/TriMetrix DNA assessment adheres in providing the DISC behavioral styles in details—Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. These explanations are important in the process of knowing how one faces the world and behave in different kinds of situations. Moreover, the assessment pinpoints some skills as well as drivers that stimulate people to take action, this factor being important for both career fitting and work satisfaction. 

Part One: Personal Analysis

DISC Style Analysis

The profile of the Indigo/TriMetrix DNA DISC behavioral assessment indicates that my style of behavior is mainly comprised of high Steadiness (S) and somewhat Compliance (C). The ‘S’ style is evident in me when I am in search of stability and synergy where the attributes such as consistency and predictability are appreciated as influenced from the view of Kim (2018). Personally speaking, I am very patient, an excellent listener, and I am always ready to lend support to other members of the team, therefore I am a reliable teammate. However, ‘C’ in my profile stemming from the fact that I follow rules and procedures to the letter, describes me as being very careful and detail-oriented. This feature poises me as excellently fit for positions that necessitate extensive research and strict adherence to procedures. I assume that my attribution for these behaviors strongly predetermines how I deal with tasks and communicate with people, preferring controlled settings and disliking abrupt changes or pressing circumstances.

Top Skills

The evaluation brings present my top skills, which are Flexibility, Project Management and Diplomacy/Tact. Flexibility must indeed be the main factor in the educational path that I am currently taking allowing me to adjust to different learning methods and studying spots as influenced from the view of Tsvetkova & Kiryukhin (2020). For groups’ projects and unplanned changes in assignments it was very useful. I demonstrated my ability to organize tasks, set deadlines, and work with others when I managed a number of final year projects, most notably a major one, where I guided my team to create a marketing plan. I have obtained new managerial and operating skills during this period. Moreover, Diplomacy/Tact empowers me to efficiently deal with interpersonal ties, hence communication in group settings still stays active and beneficial, particularly in disagreement cases.

Driving Forces and Motivators

According to the assessment, the main factors that drive my personality are Altruistic and Intellectual. The benevolent nature, which is inherent in me, makes me vital in helping and serving others without asking for rewards. This trait has become a pillar and the backbone of my making, as I have shown it in many of my decisions, such as volunteering for student support services and participating in community outreach programs as influenced from the view of Rafiola et al. (2020). The most active part of me is the Intellectual drive that forces me to search for knowledge and wisdom. I notice this in my unceasing craving for educational possibilities as well as the fact that I chose a research based academic project. The mentioned inspiration modes play a significant role in my behavior as I am not only pushed to help others, but also by a strong desire to learn and develop my intellectual abilities which influence both my work and the personal development.

Part Two: Occupational and Productivity Effects

Impact of Identified Traits on Career and Work Performance

The quality dimensions demonstrated through an Indigo/TriMetrix DNA test, for example, high Compliance and Steadiness in addition to competencies like Flexibility, Project Management, and Diplomacy/Tact, affect how I tackle my career and work. The combination of steadiness and compliance makes me go for jobs that are organized and stable, and give me a chance to use my skills in a constant and uniform atmosphere as influenced from the view of Buil, Martínez & Matute (2019). This is especially evident in the arenas of healthcare, education, and other government sectors where the proper conduct of procedures and keeping a chilly demeanor are crucial.

In a professional setting, I am good at getting things done as this ensures I can easily perform and deliver complicated tasks systematically. From a professional perspective, ability in the aspect of Diplomacy/Tact will assist in managing a multicultural staff and the navigational of workplace politics, which is as relevant in the role of leadership or other collaborative positions. 

Advantages and Challenges of Traits 


• Steadiness: Supplies the solid doing with and without supervision, which is a highly appreciated at all times (Liu et al., 2018).

• Compliance: Guarantees the accuracy of work and following the overall industry standards, which diminishes the possibility of committed mistakes.

• Project Management and Diplomacy/Tact: Contributes to better team management, conflict resolution and team cohesion contributing to higher work effectiveness (Liu et al., 2018).


• High Steadiness: Most likely slow down the adaptation of agile methodologies and rapid changes common in new environments like technology and start-ups (Hudson et al., 2019).

• Compliance: Emphasis on rules can hinder an innovator and adaptable role as they do not fit in an unchanging order (Hudson et al., 2019).

Strategies to Enhance and Mitigate Traits

To maximize the benefits and mitigate the challenges of my traits, I will adopt the following strategies:

• Embrace Change: To curtail the potential rigidity of my steadiness, I will look upon the environments that demand more flexibility and quick thinking in a gradual manner (Holtorf, 2018). These could be through projects past my boundaries or positions where they need to make me more comfortable with the change, which could help me get rid of it.

• Balanced Compliance: I will, on one hand, stay prudent with the regulations and standards but on the other hand, I will try to get roles that still provide a bit of artistic freedom. This hence entitles me to the privilege of seeking solutions that are not already accessible and creating new systems within the extant structures (Holtorf, 2018).

• Continuous Learning: To nourish My Intellectual self, I am going to continue with my education and engage in any professional development opportunities that come my way. Besides fulfilling my lifelong desire for learning, this will also help me to stay on the top of my game professionally by learning new and up-to-date skills and enhancing my knowledge (Holtorf, 2018).

• Developing Leadership Skills: Based on the fact that I have good project management and diplomacy/tact skills, I will seek to join leadership training and mentorship programs. I will get more profound improvement in my communication and decision-making skills while learning from experienced leaders, and it will eventually prepare me for more leadership roles (Heath, Sommerfield & von Ungern‐Sternberg, 2020).

Part Three: Action Plan

Concrete Steps for Improvement

The aim is to build on my strengths (according to Indigo/TriMetrix DNA assessment) and tackle the difficulties with a consistent action plan that targets enhanced adaptability, innovation, and leadership skills. undefined

Enhancing Flexibility and Adaptability

Goal: Get used to the variety of situations and different circumstances.

Action Steps:

  • Enroll for agile methodology classes by Q3 2024.
  • Select at least two efforts on a yearly basis that are neither within my domain nor comfort zone.

Assessment Methods: Through self-analysis as well as critiquing by the project managers or supervisor, the post-project reviews will be used to evaluate my resiliency.

Balancing Compliance with Innovation

Goal: It’s forecast to innovate within the regulated frameworks.

Action Steps:

  • Participate in a creative problem-solving workshop by the end of Q1 in 2025.
  • Implement a quarterly review of ongoing projects to define the avenues of implementation of innovate ideas within the acceptable boundaries.

Assessment Methods: Measure the development of innovative solutions and the results or feedback from the colleagues and managers.

Advancing Leadership Capabilities

Goal: Plan for and go through a leadership development process.

Action Steps:

  • Participate in a leadership development course by the latest of 2024.
  • Plan a way to find a leadership mentor in my organization by the second quarter of 2024.
  • Lead a team project by Q3 2024 through my effective utilization of the skills I have acquired in the leadership program.

Assessment Methods: Evaluation of leadership effectiveness through 360-degree feedback, paired with post-project and mentor’s review.

Continuous Intellectual Growth

Goal: Use a constant research and development process to ensure expertise in my field.

Action Steps:

  • Subscribe and get industry journals and publications monthly as well.
  • Go to two professional conferences or seminars every year.

Assessment Methods: I will journal my key learning points and how I am applying them, as well as I will have an annual meeting my mentor to discuss the knowledge growth.

Development of Project Management Discipline and Diplomatic Skills

Goal: Improve project management efficacy and resolve conflicts as they occur.

Action Steps:

  • Complete a higher-level project management course by Q4 2024.
  • Participate in conflict resolution exercises using real-life scenarios, with the aim of resolving at least five workplace conflicts in the next year.

Assessment Methods: Feedback from team members and project stakeholders about management and execution of the process steps as well its effectiveness.

Timeline and Monitoring Progress

Every single action step will be assigned to a specified quarter when it should be started and completed. Thereby, achievement and adjustment of goals becomes step-by-step and progressive. Regular monitoring will be done through meetings scheduled with my mentor and immediate supervisor. 


The findings emerging from the Indigo/TriMetrix DNA profile have been of a significant impact in the understanding of my behavioral traits, abilities and motivation, which have pointed out the way for development. The realization that I have a strongpoint in Steadiness, Compliance, and my abilities to do Project Management and Diplomacy makes me see how important I am in structured as well as cooperative environments. In contrast, the experience of uncovering the need to be more agile and original displays the directions which have to be worked on, since the crucial part is to be able to adapt to dynamic working environments.

The plan of action elaborated on these insights targets in this sense to make adaptability, innovation under the regulations, and leadership central to the plan. Using this method means that I both focus on my strengths and develop my natural weaknesses effectively. The anticipated impact of this plan is the acquisition of more skills sets, an overall better job performance, and being ready for managerial roles.


Buil, I., Martínez, E., & Matute, J. (2019). Transformational leadership and employee performance: The role of identification, engagement and proactive personality. International journal of hospitality management, 77, 64-75.

Heath, C., Sommerfield, A., & von Ungern‐Sternberg, B. S. (2020). Resilience strategies to manage psychological distress among healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic: a narrative review. Anaesthesia, 75(10), 1364-1371.

Holtorf, C. (2018). Embracing change: how cultural resilience is increased through cultural heritage. World archaeology, 50(4), 639-650.

Hudson, N. W., Briley, D. A., Chopik, W. J., & Derringer, J. (2019). You have to follow through: Attaining behavioral change goals predicts volitional personality change. Journal of personality and social psychology, 117(4), 839.

Kim, H. (2018). The Effect of DISC Behavioral Style on Nursing Student’s Knowledge and Clinical Performance. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 19(11), 60-67.

Liu, J., Ludeke, S., Haubrich, J., Gondan–Rochon, M., & Zettler, I. (2018). Similar to and/or better than oneself? Singles’ ideal partner personality descriptions. European Journal of Personality, 32(4), 443-458.

Rafiola, R., Setyosari, P., Radjah, C., & Ramli, M. (2020). The effect of learning motivation, self-efficacy, and blended learning on students’ achievement in the industrial revolution 4.0. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(8), 71-82.

Tsvetkova, M. S., & Kiryukhin, V. M. (2020). Top 10 key skills in Olympiad in Informatics. Olympiads in Informatics, 14, 151-167.

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